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How To Connect JLab Earbuds (Explained)

JLab is a worldwide brand that offers a wide array of devices made for enjoying music.

 Devices made by JLab will provide users with excellent sound quality, sturdy materials which will ensure the longevity of the devices, great battery life and comfort while using the devices.

In this article we are going to explain how to connect JLab Earbuds to a variety of devices.

how to connect JLab earbuds

Table of Contents

Enable Pairing Mode

In order to start the pairing process of the JLab Earbuds to your desired device – we first have to enable the pairing mode on the earbuds.

Keep in mind that different types of earbuds have a different way of enabling pairing mode.

The two types of earbuds we are going to talk about are the True Wireless Earbuds (different Air models) and the Wireless Earbuds.

Enable Pairing Mode On True Wireless Earbuds

The steps for enabling pairing mode on True Wireless Earbuds are the following :

  • Press and hold the Multi-function button on both of the earbuds for at least 3 seconds
  • Keep holding the button until you see that the LED light on the left earbud turns solid white and that the LED light on the right earbud starts flashing blue and white

You have now successfully enabled pairing mode on True Wireless Earbuds.

Note: On some models, such as the Epic Air Elite, both of the LED lights may blink white and blue to inform you that you have enabled pairing mode.

Enable Pairing Mode On Wireless Earbuds

Enabling pairing mode on Wireless Earbuds can be done by following these steps:

  • Press and hold the Multi-function button on both of the earbuds for 10 seconds
  • You should see that the LED light starts flashing red and blue to indicate that the earbuds are now in pairing mode

Pairing mode has now successfully been enabled.

How To Connect JLab Earbuds To An iPhone

If you are wondering how to connect JLab earbuds to an iPhone, just follow these steps:

  • Enable pairing mode on your JLab Earbuds
  • Open the Settings app on your iPhone and find the Bluetooth settings
  • Turn on Bluetooth by toggling the switch on the top part of your screen
  • Find your JLab Earbuds under the list of available devices and click on them in order to connect

How To Connect JLab Earbuds To An Android Device

Connect the JLab Earbuds to your Android device by doing these steps:

  • Go to the Settings on your Android device, you can do this by finding the gear icon from your start menu or finding in in the drop-down notification menu
  • Find the Bluetooth settings and enable it by clicking on the toggle on the top part of your screen
  • Click on “Pair New Device” and wait for your earbuds to show up in the list of available devices
  • Tap on the name of your JLab Earbuds and you should connect easily

How To Connect JLab Earbuds To MacOS

If you have a MacOS device just follow these steps in order to connect your JLab earbuds:

  • Find the Apple Menu from your device – you can do this by navigating to the top left portion of your screen and clicking on the apple logo
  • Go in to the System Preferences tab and click on Bluetooth
  • Here you should find a list of available devices, just pick your JLab Earbuds from the list of devices and click Connect
  • If you get a message asking “Do you want to connect?” – just simply tap on “Accept”

You should have successfully connect the JLab Earbuds to your MacOS device

How To Connect JLab Earbuds To A PC

  • Turn on Bluetooth by finding it in the System Settings or navigating to the menu on the bottom right part of your screen and clicking on Bluetooth from there
  • Click on “Show Bluetooth devices” and find the tab that says “Add a device”
  • From the list of devices just pick your JLab Earbuds and you should be connected


How can I check if I have successfully connected JLab Earbuds with my desired device?

Once you have successfully connected Jlab Earbuds to your device – the LED light on your earbuds will stop blinking, or continue to blink slowly, depending on the model.

I followed all the steps and I still can not connect Jlab Earbuds to my device?

In case you have problems connecting even when following the written steps – it may be a good idea to try and learn more about how to fix Bluetooth pairing problems.

My JLab Earbuds will not charge, what can I do?

Firstly, let’s talk about the reasons as to why your JLab Earbuds are not charging. Here are some of the possible reasons that could be causing this issue :

  • Your JLab Earbuds have a drained battery and need to be charged for a longer period of time
  • The cable or charging port could be damaged or filled with debris (external particles such as dust or pocket lint)
  • Your JLab Earbuds battery could be faulty

The solution to your problem could be quick and easy to do, or it may require some hardware changes.

My JLab Earbuds have problems with connecting and playing music, what can I do?

If your JLab Earbuds have problems with connecting and playing audio from your device, it may be a good idea to reset them.

You can reset you JLab Earbuds by doing these steps:

  • Place both of the earbuds in the charging case
  • On you device (iPhone, Android, PC, etc.) click on “Forget JLab Earbuds”
  • Tap the left earbud 7 times
  • Tap the right earbud 7 times
  • Take your earbuds out of the charging case

You have now successfully reset your JLab Earbuds and you can now use them without any problems.


We sincerely hope that this article has helped you in finding out how to connect JLab Earbuds and that you will have a pleasant experience while using this device.